03-15-2010, 08:58 AM
Despite some of the current Board member's actions and behavior, despite the Board President, Bob Rainie's lobbing misinformation bombs, despite Bob Rainie's ad hominem attacts, despite comments and rebuttals from Allan Dale Watson, Vice President, describing a meeting HE DIDN'T ATTEND, despite all that - HPPOA is more than a ragtag group of know nothings. The issues revolve around transparency of operations, fiscal accountability, and, the rules of conduct at meetings, which are posted on the wall in the HPPOA Library. The current discussion is about facts, figures, budget allocations, program expenditures, how monies are spent, and why. There is a slew of disinformation coming from the president and vice president, where instead of presenting solid facts they are creating a stew of ad hominum misinformation.
Why? What's the payoff?
To divert your attention and have you go 'round and 'round in circles.
Jerr Carr is a careful speaker, good thinker, positive contributor to HPPOA. His comments are always worth while to read and consider. If he has a personal agenda, it's to make HPPOA's Neighborhood Watch better and even better than that.
HPPOA has SIX (6) vacancies on our Board. You can download an application, limit 200 words, make sure your road fees are current, that you are an owner of a lot, and add your talents and skills to our subdivision.
Why? What's the payoff?
To divert your attention and have you go 'round and 'round in circles.
Jerr Carr is a careful speaker, good thinker, positive contributor to HPPOA. His comments are always worth while to read and consider. If he has a personal agenda, it's to make HPPOA's Neighborhood Watch better and even better than that.
HPPOA has SIX (6) vacancies on our Board. You can download an application, limit 200 words, make sure your road fees are current, that you are an owner of a lot, and add your talents and skills to our subdivision.