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Rebuttal: HPP Comments from the President
This is an email I sent to HPPOA President Bob Rainie on March 14, 2010, regarding his comments at the General Meeting on Feb 28, 2010

Dear Bob,
The following may help you understand the facts as they should have been stated in your Response to Member Input on the web site after the last HPPOA General Meeting, February 28, 2010.

Fact 1. Regarding the Christmas Party funds. There has been an account (5875) for employee relations in the budget for many years. This is a road account, and the budget was $700.00 for the year 2009-2010, which more than doubled the previous two years amount. The expenditure of $1,572.77, for the Christmas party was way over the annual amount budgeted. Moving this amount from roads to non roads does not mitigate the expenditure. Employee relations was set up in the road account, because that's where we have most of the employees. It's interesting that you referred to this as "employee welfare" and not employee relations. Is this a new welfare program you have for the employees?

Fact 2. Regarding the Fidelity Bond for the General Manager. If you had read the contract for the General Manager. who is an Independent Contractor , it called for an Errors and Omissions Bond in the amount of 1 million dollars, to be paid for by the Independent Contractor. This was done for two reasons, first the contractor is independent, second, it was done to save the Association money. Have copies of the original contract and/or any amended contract been forwarded to the trustee of the construction bonds (UBC)?

Fact 3. Was Ted Hong an attorney for the Board or for the entire Association? If it was for the Association then the entire Association has the right to know why he resigned. As the former Treasurer of HPPOA, I had the opportunity to work closely with Mr. Hong, and always found him to be extremely honest, efficient, and accurate in his dealings with the Association. I also found him to be very competent in his handling of liens and foreclosures, contrary to what you stated.

Fact 4. It was stated the SEE Hawaii employees will cost the Association about $6,000.00, which I believe to be incorrect. The correct total will be closer to $24,000.00. I am basing this on one employee costing about an additional $3,100.00 annually, times at least 8 employees.

Fact 5. There is no "Aloha Group" as you erroneously stated in your Presidents Comments page on the HPPOA web site. These were all individuals who had many common concerns. There is nothing unethical about a group of citizens being concerned for the proper use of their road fees. You accused JoAnne Backman of harassment, but your statement about me being unethical could be construed as libelous toward me.

Fact 6. Your attempt to adjourn the last HPPOA General meeting without allowing owner input, was reprehensible. The agenda called for owner input, and the very thought that you attempted to shut this down. shows that you have little concern for anything the owners have to say in regard to the By-laws and Policies of Hawaiian Paradise Park.

You might find you have less confrontation from the owners at the General Meetings, if you would learn to follow the policies, by-laws, and contracts of the organization.

Ken McGilvray

Messages In This Thread
RE: Rebuttal: HPP Comments from the President - by missydog1 - 03-13-2010, 10:16 AM
RE: Rebuttal: HPP Comments from the President - by missydog1 - 03-13-2010, 01:57 PM
RE: Rebuttal: HPP Comments from the President - by dmbwest - 03-13-2010, 07:27 PM
RE: Rebuttal: HPP Comments from the President - by Ken McGilvray - 03-15-2010, 01:41 PM

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