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HPPOA President and Vice President on Website
I have been a multiple property owner in Hpp for the last 10 years. It is only in the last few months that I have seen any noticeable improvement in the roads and the brush areas around the park. In the past it took multiple calls and complaints to have anything done about my road. I am not sure what has prompted all the negativity in the people that are complaining. WHOSE NEEDS ARE YOU TRYING TO MEET?

As a professsional who works with people in serious issues such as death and dying on a daily basis I can only see that a lot of the things that you are worried about are actually non-issues.

Is the current Road Maintenance and management of HPP providing a good service? Are they actively attempting to cut costs to adequately address our needs? Are the people that are complaining about conflicts of interests truly concerned about what is best for the park or are they more interested in listening to themselves create discontent and exercise some kind of power and control where there is really no need for that.

Where there is a service that is provided that is cost effective and is beneficial to the owners are you willing to be the one that is going to be the disruption of the improvement and ongoing efforts to improve HPP. We have enough beuracracy and I suggest unless you have a real issue such as danger or lack of work being done you stop and take a look at yourself and decide what is your real motive for all of your complaints. Ask for a comparative cost analysis to make an informed decision. And please! IF YOU DO NOT ACTUALLY LIVE HERE KEEP YOUR COMMENTS TO YOURSELF.

Messages In This Thread
RE: HPPOA President and Vice President on Website - by cins1 - 03-15-2010, 02:39 PM

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