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Puna / Hilo needs this kind of business
Monty: The local Internet Cafe [loosely used term] was called the Aloha Outpost. I have no idea why it failed. I only had a couple of meetings there as it was local and large enough to be able to get a table most of the time. My experience was that they had a lot of room but their 'menu' was limited and their staff with whom I had interaction was not 'people friendly'. I cannot speak to all their staff nor all of the time, only for those that served me and only the few times I went there. Contrasting them to Kope Kope [co pay co pay] in town, a coffee/internet cafe that not only has some computers but sufficient tables where you can log on to their access or if you bring your own sit and surf. The coffee is not Starbucks but you can usually get a table there whereas Starbucks, both locations, is usually packed. [The one across from Wal Mart seems to the 'personal office' Starbucks. There are a number of individuals who actually do business there, meeting clients and everything!] The Border's store has a coffee and snacks counter that used to be Borders and then Starbucks and now is horrible. I have twice purchased a coffee from them and twice thrown it away. Kope Kope, Starbucks and Borders are all in town. We seriously need a Starbucks out here! Malama Market Place and Woodland Center are the 'it' place for some of this stuff. Pahoa Town has 'parking' issues but if it weren't for that I think the growth there would be off the charts. It has charm; it has services; it has street side merchants; it has eateries; it has schools and community center and a pool all along the same stretch of road.

I must admit, except to go to Luquin's the local Mexican Food restaurant, I rarely head into Pahoa Town. I get as far as Paul's gas station or the Malama Marketplace. I won't frequent the two fast food places that are being built [just don't eat from those two not for any boycott reason] and do not shop at Long's so the new Woodland Center will bring mostly a traffic nightmare for my husband and myself. Unless they also build a strip mall there and bring in other businesses, the area that used to be green will just be another bunch of buildings.

I venture out of my home and head into town to do my weekly shopping, catch a movie and a meal, get my nails done, interact with the county, grab a mocha Venti from Starbucks, and come back home. If I could do all of that here locally I would be thrilled but on the other hand, I do love to drive and though the landscape is fast changing, taking in the sights and sounds of Hawaii Island is still my favorite thing to do.

Wish you all the best in whatever you decide to do for a business here. When my hubby and I moved here in 1991 we came prepared to begin 3 different types of businesses. One took off and served use well for 10 years. From that time we have basically migrated to what had 'growth' potential. With the economy as it is, I stay home, mostly do community service, hubby heads into town to work. Our critters love having someone home all day. Honestly, a really great salad bar ala Soup Plantation would be wonderful but likely unsustainable as a business. We have Subway but if a super deli were to move in with a wonderful selection of sandwiches, bagels, that would possibly do well. There is nothing like it anywhere in east Hawaii. I truly miss the Deli's in all of the Industrial Parks in San Diego. They had really neat breakfast sandwiches and totally delicious lunch sandwiches. They closed by 2 when everyone was through with their lunches and breaks and opened by 530 when folks were heading into work. There was never one who wasn't killer busy. A toasted Bagel and cream cheese would sure be delightful...better get up and make it! Smile

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Puna / Hilo needs this kind of business - by critterlover - 03-17-2010, 02:10 AM
RE: Puna / Hilo needs this kind of business - by missydog1 - 03-17-2010, 11:06 AM

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