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Full Moon Labyrinth Walk, 3rd July
On Tuesday, July 3rd, beginning at 7 PM we'll be opening the Awapuhi Labyrinth Garden in Hawaiian Paradise Park for a torch and candlelit walk (hopefully) under a full moon. A labyrinth is, basically, a unicursal path which winds into the center, then out again. This particular labyrinth is a 90ft replica of the 11-circuit Chartres pattern, so the entire walk, both in and out, covers nearly one mile.

Please join us for a quiet, meditative experience that has often been described as "magical." No charge to attend, though donations are accepted.

4th Avenue between Kaloli and Paradise
For further information and full directions:
982-5959 or

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Full Moon Labyrinth Walk, 3rd July - by Christie - 06-22-2012, 05:19 AM

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