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$1.5 million toward a coastal road into Puna?
I apologize I didn't mean to address the question to you Jerri as I don't wish to get into any direct or inderect mis communications, in the future I'll make the questions more general. Wouldn't want the "posse" coming at me so early,lol.

As in does anyone believe the State/County would justly compensate anyone. And with the other reply following yours, it confirms my beliefs. In any respects the point was missed that if one is too old to move or if they just don't want to leave what they worked years to build, why cause all the misery for the convience of thosewho are too lazy to think of a better alternative?

I can think of several, but then I don't run anything or have any influence on anyone. Quite frankly most suggestions fall by the way side.

"The paving contracts do indeed tie into this, but perhaps not exactly in the way you think. The priorities for paving have been all over the map, with little in the way of a comprehensive plan. At one point, they were paving on a grid so that the paved roads were evenly spaced. Later, they decided to listen to the bonding agency and pave the roads with the highest maintenance costs. Still later, they went back and did 16th to make the road crew have paved access for whatever good that may have done. Bottom line on HPP's paving relative to the PMAR is this: None of our paved roads meet state or even county standards, and thus would require either major upgrading or more likely a complete redo should one be chosen for the PMAR. The trunk roads running down to the shore are not even up to par."

Well this is what I thought, no one has a plan and they went ahead and told all the owners they were going to pave the whole park for 12m. Well, opps not all,, well only some and if you're on the board. Yea I know I've watched it for years. Through I don't remember how many managers and board members, too many to count. Still my road is all pot holes, trenches and washed out cinder. Last time the grater tore up the road it was two months after they had just laid it down? Didn't bring material or the roller, it was so stupid I thought it was a criminal act. Which they did commit all the way down 15th and others where they push all the road tailings and trees onto vacant lots like no one owns them. Well they're not here so they won't mind, right? Any amount over 10 yards is a Class C felony and the road was certainly multipule felonies. So what?/ Private subdivision, county doesn't care. Who amoung the retired wants to go to court?

Messages In This Thread
RE: $1.5 million toward a coastal road into Puna? - by dmbwest - 03-16-2010, 07:55 AM
RE: $1.5 million toward a coastal road into Puna? - by Guest - 03-24-2010, 06:03 PM
RE: $1.5 million toward a coastal road into Puna? - by Guest - 03-25-2010, 05:17 AM
RE: $1.5 million toward a coastal road into Puna? - by Guest - 03-25-2010, 05:38 AM
RE: $1.5 million toward a coastal road into Puna? - by Guest - 03-25-2010, 06:59 AM
RE: $1.5 million toward a coastal road into Puna? - by Guest - 03-25-2010, 01:09 PM
RE: $1.5 million toward a coastal road into Puna? - by Guest - 03-25-2010, 02:42 PM
RE: $1.5 million toward a coastal road into Puna? - by Guest - 03-26-2010, 07:27 PM
RE: $1.5 million toward a coastal road into Puna? - by Guest - 03-27-2010, 06:06 AM
RE: $1.5 million toward a coastal road into Puna? - by Guest - 03-29-2010, 03:32 AM
RE: $1.5 million toward a coastal road into Puna? - by Guest - 03-30-2010, 10:42 AM

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