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County Budget review and analysis. Can you help?
Rob, as mdd7000 and critterlover mentioned, lots more info is needed to even begin gauging coverage for that cost. A call to a benefit administrator for government self insured plans said it could range from $100 a month to over $1,000 a month per covered person depending on the benefits the employer are covering under that cost. And, the question of continuation coverage (retires, DI, entitlements, etc) also comes up.

She said it's not uncommon for larger self insured or self funded plans to have a single fiscal appropriation (one line item) that actually covers multiple forms of coverage. A typical small to medium company may have health insurance through one company; short term or long term disability from another, prescription coverage from another, and dental or optical from another. Even active versus retired health coverage can be separate if that’s how they set it up. Each of those would show as a separate line item because each is being handled, paid and listed separately. But on large single administered plans, they pay one administrator who handles everything, so you see only one line item instead of six.

-ETA- If anyone knows someone who sells health insurance or 401k plans to companies, ask them to run a Larkspur (sp?) search on Hawaii County plans to see what the plan is all about, how many are covered, what it cost, what part of the cost is benefits or administartion or commissions to the seller, and everything else available.

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RE: County Budget review and analysis. Can you help? - by Bob Orts - 03-31-2010, 03:31 AM

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