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TERRAPIN STATION plays in pahoa 7-21
aloha all, Terrapin Station (good ol' grateful dead cover band) will be playing at the Hawaiian Sanctuary (at the 12 mile marker just outside pahoa town on the way to Kalapana) on July 21st 2012. Kaliko Guys will be opening. this show has a couple things about it. One, it is a benefit for Russell Ruderman for state senate district 2, two, it has a chocolate theme and a bunch of chocolate goods will be available. $5 at the door, 7-11pm. Kaliko Guys first then Terrapin second. aloha and hope to see you all there! look for posters around town soon.

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TERRAPIN STATION plays in pahoa 7-21 - by abe - 07-07-2012, 04:07 AM

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