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Source? Solar power electric fencing

Ratings on fence power units simply take into account the leakage on any fence installation. No insulator has perfect insulation, so there is some leakage current across the surface of the insulator, especially after it gets dusty and then wet. As you add those up, so many in a mile, you can see that the power supply must be beefier for longer runs. You simply have a constant leakage current flow that increases the farther you go. The high voltage is no higher, the transformer is just able to carry a heavier constant current draw without overloading.

A ten mile charger will safely and easily carry anything less than ten miles. But a two mile charger will overload on five miles of wire. Don't get into contact with any of them. A little backyard dog fence charger I had, had enough umph to jolt you out of your sox. The word is "Respect."

But I consider that comon sense for any electricity above about thirty five volts?!!!


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RE: Source? Solar power electric fencing - by Wayman - 04-02-2010, 01:09 PM

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