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international energy conservation code
shaking head knowing we have charged full stream ahead before and it has been disastorus...

On the "green" part of the energy conservation code, I see the plastic bottle, the plastic bag issue with this in the future.

How much is negated by increased production of fiberglass insulation, and production of radiant barriers?

How much energy is saved versus how much energy is used to fire up the the furnance in the mfg process to 2500 deg?

Dont we need better home designs and landscaping plans over all for more efficient passive energy usuage? You are trying to fix a problem with another material instead of fixing a problem with a design change. HotinHawaii mentioned the tree shading the roof. Let me see - tree provides many things besides the shade. Fiberglass insulation, hmmmm?

What other materials can be used besides just increasing the fiberglass insulation and radiant barrier? Local materials grown/manufactured on this island which would really be the key for the Big Island's energy efficiency.

What is the LEED certification on insulation and radiant barriers products as related to manufacturing?

Where is JWFitz when he is needed!!!

Messages In This Thread
international energy conservation code - by Seeb - 04-09-2009, 07:25 AM
RE: international energy conservation code - by Kapohocat - 04-13-2010, 05:49 AM

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