04-13-2010, 01:53 PM
I just received this from some one in the drafting/architectural realm:
Hi Cathy,
I just found this in Fine Homebuilding Magazine.
This would be a great info/topic on your Puna web.
The Strictest Building Code in the World for Energy consumption is the German "Passive House Standard"
It strives to result in a house that consumes as little as 10% of the total heating and cooling energy used by a house built to the 2006 Energy code.
This code is much more strict than the LEED Green Rated Homes, and Energy Star rated homes.
For this Standard, the TOTAL energy uses of the house, which includes heating, cooling, and electricity, cannot exceed 11.1 kwh per sq. ft. (per year)
For a typical 1500 sq. ft. house, that is an average of 1400 kwh per month to be the highest energy saver in the world.
Although electric bills in Hawaii County are the highest in the country, it is not because of high energy use, it is because we have the highest rates in the county per kwh.
AVERAGE Household ENERGY USAGE IN HAWAII is ABOUT 600 kwh per month. SO, even in a badly built SHACK, we are conserving twice as much energy as the strictest Energy code in the World.
Tell me again why we need more insulation?
Hi Cathy,
I just found this in Fine Homebuilding Magazine.
This would be a great info/topic on your Puna web.
The Strictest Building Code in the World for Energy consumption is the German "Passive House Standard"
It strives to result in a house that consumes as little as 10% of the total heating and cooling energy used by a house built to the 2006 Energy code.
This code is much more strict than the LEED Green Rated Homes, and Energy Star rated homes.
For this Standard, the TOTAL energy uses of the house, which includes heating, cooling, and electricity, cannot exceed 11.1 kwh per sq. ft. (per year)
For a typical 1500 sq. ft. house, that is an average of 1400 kwh per month to be the highest energy saver in the world.
Although electric bills in Hawaii County are the highest in the country, it is not because of high energy use, it is because we have the highest rates in the county per kwh.
AVERAGE Household ENERGY USAGE IN HAWAII is ABOUT 600 kwh per month. SO, even in a badly built SHACK, we are conserving twice as much energy as the strictest Energy code in the World.
Tell me again why we need more insulation?