04-16-2010, 06:52 AM
quote:I am w/ you guys look at it like this "to a hammer everything is a nail"----> "to a regulator everything is a..." You will never, ever get the politicos to grasp the violations of rights even if they are lawyers, I know of BAR certified lawyers in CA that never even read the Constitution in Constitutional Law Class. I think changes could be made but it will take critical mass and a lot of pressure.
Originally posted by DanielP
Safety issue be damned. Individual liberty is being denied for the protection of trade by the licensed contractors. It is B.S.
I was held hostage by a plumbing contractor who attempted to extort $ from me for services that I had already paid for.
I should have the right to build my own house, wire it, plumb it and if the building inspector finds errors then I can fix 'em. It's a racket.
I am with you, Wao.
Burns me no end. Dan