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Not-so-smart meters, int'l protest 10/4
Maui's doing it. Know of any protests here on the BI? Yeah, yeah, hold the 'tin foil hat' comments please. It gets old and stinky.
"Citing thousands of instances of ‘smart’ meter fires, health problems, and violations of privacy laws, the National Campaign to Stop Smart Meters and Wireless Radiation Protection Coalition are calling for a National Day of Action on October 4th to demand an immediate moratorium on further “smart meter” installations and a blanket recall due to safety problems. Join us!!"

Please come to Ka’ahumanu Mall on Maui this Saturday and stop by our table to meet us, ask questions, and pick up some flyers. We’ll have some sweet treats too! We’ll be there from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
What: Stop Smart Meters Info Table
Where: Queen Ka'ahumanu Shopping Center, Maui
When: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Why: To show support and learn more about “smart” meters/grid
For info about the events across the US and Canada in conjunction with National Day of Action Against “Smart” Meters. click here:
A “smart” meter protest is happening Washington D.C. on Thursday. Please call the White House on Thursday at 202-456-1111 to voice your opposition to smart meters. You can also submit a comment online by clicking here:
Share the facts that "smart" meter mesh networks consume significant energy as part of their routine operation, invade the privacy of our homes, send out pulses of microwave radiation day and night, subject residents to health problems, increase risks of fire and cyber attacks, raise energy bills, and can cause power disruption.
Also, Oct. 9 is the last day to submit PEIS comments as part of the Federally mandated programmatic environmental impact survey for proposed “smart” grid technologies in Hawaii (including “smart” meters, undersea cables, and big wind). Click here to submit your comments now:

"An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped" Dr. Ron Paul 2012

Messages In This Thread
Not-so-smart meters, int'l protest 10/4 - by liskir - 10-03-2012, 02:42 PM
RE: Not-so-smart meters, int'l protest 10/4 - by dmbwest - 10-03-2012, 07:27 PM

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