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Save Papaikou Beach!
After 250 Papa`ikou residents came to Yagong's last hearing we convinced him the people of Papaikou are serious about securing a public trail to the beach. This hearing isn't just for the people of Papaikou, its for the entire island.

The time has come to convince the FULL COUNCIL that a public trail to Mills beach is what Hawaii wants.

The landowners claim they are diligent and generous in allowing people to go to the beach, and are attempting to convince the count
y that there has never been a problem with beach access at Mills. 5,337 people signed a petition saying that there is a problem with access to the beach.

There has always been a problem with access since they bought the land and there always will be unless we secure this trial now.

This is our chance!

Wednesday, October 10th
Papa'ikou Gym

At 5:00 the landowners, Charlene Prickett and James Waugh will be presenting an "alternate resolution" to buying the trail to the beach. After Prickett's presentation public comment will begin at 5:30 and so its CRUCIAL that YOU come and make sure your voice gets heard on this issue. If your the shy type, that's okay, the fact you showed up even makes a difference.

Directions to Papaikou Gym:
1) Turn mauka at Pinky's/ Baker Tom's
2) Take right at T
3) Take left on Maluna Pl. (3rd street on left)


History: After generations of Hawaiian families using the trail to go to the beach to fish, pick opihi, surf, etc., the new landowners have blocked the trail contrary to Hawaii's Trails Act of 1892, and only open the gate when they feel like it while indiscriminately allowing who goes and calling the cops on the rest. They enforce arbitrary laws on beach goers like:
-No coolers
-No water
-No baby strollers

If you've ever been there, you know the list goes on.

For more information call: 959-3044

Messages In This Thread
Save Papaikou Beach! - by jenniferjangles - 10-04-2012, 06:43 PM
RE: Save Papaikou Beach! - by Carey - 10-04-2012, 07:09 PM

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