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Does anyone sell rennet on the island?
Funny thing is, I don't know anyone that doesn't like mozzarella. You can melt it, it's agreeable on sandwiches, crackers...anywhere you'd put cheese. Kids will eat it by the fistfull. It's even fun to make and can be a lab experiment for young and old alike.

The best recipe/web site I've found is this one:

He goes into detail the chemistry behind the process; but understand that you can't really screw it up. It's basically just a gallon of milk.

Don't use ultra-pasteurize or organic milk. You can use goats milk; be sure to pasteurize it. You can use the leftover whey to make ricotta; I think I only make the mozzarella so I can have they whey to make ricotta. A little pasta, a little ricotta, a fresh tomatoe and a slice of basil...heaven.


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RE: Does anyone sell rennet on the island? - by mailesomaha - 06-22-2010, 05:52 PM

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