06-28-2010, 07:22 PM
Update: Island Naturals does sell rennet in the liquid form. Thank you very much!!! Conversion; 1 tsp = 1 rennet tablet.
A neighbor Ann got a 50lb bag of citric acid for the coqui eradication program from a group in our subdivision; puts a new spin on free gov't cheese. Considering 7oz is over $5 on Amazon, that would be $115 for the 50Lb. bag. Score!! Ok, go ahead, I'm ready for the scorn from those who realize this is misappropriation of gov't funds.
Speaking of Coquis, I've been able to catch the little *@%+&@/'ers at night and put 'em in a jar and feed them to the chickens...just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Now if I could only get the chickens to be nocturnal! Imagine the profit margins on that venture.
A neighbor Ann got a 50lb bag of citric acid for the coqui eradication program from a group in our subdivision; puts a new spin on free gov't cheese. Considering 7oz is over $5 on Amazon, that would be $115 for the 50Lb. bag. Score!! Ok, go ahead, I'm ready for the scorn from those who realize this is misappropriation of gov't funds.
Speaking of Coquis, I've been able to catch the little *@%+&@/'ers at night and put 'em in a jar and feed them to the chickens...just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Now if I could only get the chickens to be nocturnal! Imagine the profit margins on that venture.