06-30-2010, 04:41 AM
Two other options: on-line you can get pet medication for a discount, also some of the local vets have % off specials... I have gotten our pet meds during a special
When I was a kid our 3 yr old golden retriever got heartworm (one of the very early diagnosed cases - early '60s) Although he did have permanent damage to his heart, he lived to 12, but had complications, including strokes & partial facial paralysis.
Because of this experience with my 'bestest friend', I never skimp on giving my dog this important medication... but that is me.... whatever path you take, I would advise making sure that it is OK - check with the vet (many vets do have ways to make things affordable to those in real straights...)
When I was a kid our 3 yr old golden retriever got heartworm (one of the very early diagnosed cases - early '60s) Although he did have permanent damage to his heart, he lived to 12, but had complications, including strokes & partial facial paralysis.
Because of this experience with my 'bestest friend', I never skimp on giving my dog this important medication... but that is me.... whatever path you take, I would advise making sure that it is OK - check with the vet (many vets do have ways to make things affordable to those in real straights...)