07-09-2010, 04:57 PM
Like KeaauRich and Critterlover, I also could never even once find anything that I shopped for at Borders. It was almost comical for a while but eventually I just stopped trying. I don't think my tastes are that highbrow or sophisticated but the choices were dismal unless I wanted classics. The sad fact is that as much a I would love to keep my money as local as possible (at least to provide jobs even though I know it's a chain) I could always go to Amazon and buy anything I wanted for far less money with shipping included! I can't understand why anyone would pay the ridiculous prices at Borders.
Fo the record, I am also one of those who laments the closing of smaller bookstores and does not favor electronic reading, although my dear husband is probably doing just that as i write this...on my computer.
Fo the record, I am also one of those who laments the closing of smaller bookstores and does not favor electronic reading, although my dear husband is probably doing just that as i write this...on my computer.