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Distance beetween fruit trees on a small lot
I'm a huge fan of dwarf fruit trees - even on a biiger lot. Try Keitt mangoes for lots of large fruit you can reach with your hands on a 10'-12' tree. HAAS avocados are good smaller trees too. Plant it Hawai'i has a lot of great dwarf varieties so if you catch their sale you'll be in luck. A good rule to follow where space is tight is to look at the mature canopy width of the variety you want to grow and add a three foot path all around - so canopy plus 6' all together. Just keep them mulched and water well during drought for the first year or so until they establish and they should do fine.
Uluhe Design
Native Landscape Design

Messages In This Thread
RE: Distance beetween fruit trees on a small lot - by Mitzi M - 09-03-2010, 06:05 PM
RE: Distance beetween fruit trees on a small lot - by missydog1 - 09-06-2010, 07:20 PM

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