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Underwater cable route into Oahu meets WW2
The two main underwater power cable routes from Maui and Molokai/Lanai are planned to feed Oahu by bringing them ashore near Pearl Harbor. Seems like this would be bigger news but they have found huge piles of unused munitions, artillery and poison gas cannisters before the entrance to the harbor. It presents an interesting scenario. Move them and risk a major disaster, or not move them, at which point, the casings corrode open at some time and the cable coming to shore will have to be relocated, without a lot of options, considering it is Oahu. Not really part of Puna but just kind of the general goings on around Ha-Ha Land. Wonder what happens when people "find" (remember?) that the Navy routinely dumped radioactive cannisters during the 50's and 60'?
Bombs Away: Undersea Cable May Run Afoul Of WWII Munitions Dump
The discovery of thousands of chemical warfare weapons off of Pearl Harbor could cause problems for the state's highly touted interisland cable project, designed to bring renewable energy from the neighbor islands to Oahu.

"It was a majority decision to descend into the Dark Ages.
Don't worry, be happy, bang on da drum all day!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*

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Underwater cable route into Oahu meets WW2 - by pahoated - 12-30-2012, 09:15 AM

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