10-12-2010, 05:39 PM
Seasidebob - sorry, have to question you on your statement. Boeing doesn't make engines and the ones they use, from various manufacturers, are tested for bird strikes. Admittedly, ingesting a large bird will likely shut an engine down and if you fly into a flock perhaps all your engines, but they don't tend to come apart after a strike. If they did we'd have airliners crashing all over the planet.
I think this whole issue about shooting birds to avoid bird strikes at Hilo airport is a bit dodgy, other airports around the world use other methods, some a little more humane, but large birds nesting and flying near an airport is certainly something that needs to be dealt with because there is a possibility they'll bring a plane down (e.g., the "Miracle on the Hudson"). On the other hand there are many bird strikes every day around the world (including Hilo Airport) and those planes, many of them Boeings, don't have their engines come apart like cheap watches.
I think this whole issue about shooting birds to avoid bird strikes at Hilo airport is a bit dodgy, other airports around the world use other methods, some a little more humane, but large birds nesting and flying near an airport is certainly something that needs to be dealt with because there is a possibility they'll bring a plane down (e.g., the "Miracle on the Hudson"). On the other hand there are many bird strikes every day around the world (including Hilo Airport) and those planes, many of them Boeings, don't have their engines come apart like cheap watches.