01-08-2013, 06:56 PM
Just got this note in an email:
"JUNE CONANT, our HPPOA President made an announcement at our Neighborhood Watch meeting on Saturday Jan. 5th.
The County is working with HPPOA to arrange for a 15 passenger type van to drive a not yet designated route though HPP. This is to help bring some bus service to our subdivision. The regular HPPOA monthly meeting is held on Wednesday, January 16th at 6:pm and June asked that if anyone has ideas or input for a schedule or route she would like to hear from you prior to the meeting. You can drop off ideas at the office or call her"
"JUNE CONANT, our HPPOA President made an announcement at our Neighborhood Watch meeting on Saturday Jan. 5th.
The County is working with HPPOA to arrange for a 15 passenger type van to drive a not yet designated route though HPP. This is to help bring some bus service to our subdivision. The regular HPPOA monthly meeting is held on Wednesday, January 16th at 6:pm and June asked that if anyone has ideas or input for a schedule or route she would like to hear from you prior to the meeting. You can drop off ideas at the office or call her"