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Puna Real Estate Values & Mainland Water Shortages
Steven, thanks for the info. No doubt many Punans are wondering if this past, very dry year (by Puna standards) is a glimpse of what we will experience from the ongoing climate change. This Kona-like weather would certainly be easy to get accustomed to, but most residents on the mainland, and many of those in West Hawaii and on other islands don't have the luxury of starting drier conditions with a dozen feet of rain annually.

My wife and I were fortunate to add some additional roof-catchment capacity at the beginning of the year and that has been enough to keep our 10K-gallon tank nearly full all year, despite receiving 20 percent or less of normal rainfall for much of that time. Although it's far too early to declare the past year an ongoing trend, I'm sure if it continues in any form that Puna residents will need to consider upping either their storage or catchment capacity or both.

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RE: Puna Real Estate Values & Mainland Water Shortages - by Dave Smith - 11-02-2010, 07:26 AM

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