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County Civil Defense and Nixle Alerts
Friendly reminder to sign up for both Civil Defense and Police Emergency alerts: (Sign up on link below)


The Hawai‘i County Civil Defense Agency utilizes an Emergency Mass Notification System which allows for County agencies to easily notify the public in the event of emergencies. The system has the capability of simultaneously sending both e-mails and text messages to multiple devices for each user or subscriber. In addition it does have the capability of sending recorded voice messages as well. The goal and intent of this system is to provide the public with the opportunity to receive emergency notifications using the latest consumer technology and to enhance the capability of Civil Defense in warning the public of possible hazards and threats. The public is encouraged to subscribe to this service and understand that in times of emergencies, prepare for service interruptions due to power and system limitations. The key is to understand the hazards we are vulnerable to and to have a plan for you and your family. Have a battery powered radio to listen to local station broadcasts and emergency advisories and instructions. Please use the following link to subscribe to the Emergency Mass Notification System.

Nixle – Hawai‘i Police Traffic Advisories & Media Releases

The Hawai‘i County Police Department has a new service that will provide traffic advisories and police media releases via text messaging and email

To sign up go to and click on the button that says, “Residents Sign Up Now!” Once signed up go to “locations” and enter any location in Hawai’i County to start receiving messages.

Messages In This Thread
County Civil Defense and Nixle Alerts - by opihikao - 09-27-2013, 04:34 AM

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