01-05-2011, 04:45 AM
Originally posted by bystander
To keep this Puna related, you could say this socialist mentality is still alive and well in Hawaii's state and county workers.
And in that vein I will take what was a very politically incorrect joke that used a ethnic group and with a few minor adjustments - using Billy, the County of Hawaii employee (two forums, one joke.)
An COH employee finds an old brass bottle in his back yard, gives it a rub, and a genie appears. The genie tells him he can have three wishes. "I wanna be rich" says Billy, the County of Hawaii Employee.
"BANG": the back yard fills up with huge chests overflowing with gold coins and jewels.
"I'm no fool" says Billy, "I wanna be CEO of Microsoft".
"BANG": he's changed, suddenly he's Bill gates.
"Thirdly, I never want to work another day in my life".
"BANG": he's Billy ,the COH employee again.