01-20-2011, 04:10 AM
Puna is different for everyone who lives here, whether full or part time. What lifestyle do you want? What weather do you want? Do you need a job which entails commuting, can you work from home or are you retired or planning to retire? Do you want to live by the ocean or up the mountain? Do you want a big lot, and if so does it need to have dirt for gardening?
Most importantly, have you spent any time here? The accepted wisdom is that it is best to live in the area for a while before committing to permanent settlement. Also bear in mind that quite a lot of people have moved here, loved everything about the place, but went back to the mainland for reasons of health or to be close to family.
In my opinion, Puna is a lot like growing older.."it's not for sissies" That said, good luck and Aloha.
Puna is different for everyone who lives here, whether full or part time. What lifestyle do you want? What weather do you want? Do you need a job which entails commuting, can you work from home or are you retired or planning to retire? Do you want to live by the ocean or up the mountain? Do you want a big lot, and if so does it need to have dirt for gardening?
Most importantly, have you spent any time here? The accepted wisdom is that it is best to live in the area for a while before committing to permanent settlement. Also bear in mind that quite a lot of people have moved here, loved everything about the place, but went back to the mainland for reasons of health or to be close to family.
In my opinion, Puna is a lot like growing older.."it's not for sissies" That said, good luck and Aloha.