01-21-2011, 03:11 AM
Originally posted by LADesign
What is VRBO ?
I have heard living there is expensive... but when we pay $500/month in JUST property tax, and $1100/month for lousy health insurance, on top of the gas & electric bills for heat alone, I can't imagine it being much worse.
I have read on another thread about cock fighting. To me, ANY type of animal fighting is horrible, even greyhound racing! I think I have a lot of renting to do.
THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOU HONESTY... can you all be my neighbors?
VRBO is vacation rental by owner. Yeah, we adopted two retired racing Greyhounds years ago.Wonderful dogs!Loved them and gave them a good home for the rest of their lives.One had been badly mistreated and had had a very rough time of it.familys kept adopting her and taking her back.She was very quirky.We were determined to give her a stable good home for good, and we did.She did not like me for quite a while.She didn't like men period.Some male trainor, I'm sure, had abused her.
Jon in Puyallup, Wa.
Jon in Keaau/HPP