01-30-2011, 06:03 AM
Here you have KathyH, Orchidlandguy and Mauka who all claim over and over about how they value their anonymity, yet post all kinds of details about themselves and their lives in sometimes, quite long-winded posts. Mauka has even told people where to find him and on what date. What's up with that? All three have now made multiple, rather interesting comments on Tom's blog as well.
KathyH, who claims to be a member of multiple forums on the internet besides PunaWeb, writes complete novels about every place she has lived, worked, gone to school, where she has had houses, what has gone on with her multiple husbands, (we all know why that is) and details about her family that quite frankly, someone who values their anonymity should not ever be posting. (Yes, HathyH, it is all about you)
KathyH, who claims to be a member of multiple forums on the internet besides PunaWeb, writes complete novels about every place she has lived, worked, gone to school, where she has had houses, what has gone on with her multiple husbands, (we all know why that is) and details about her family that quite frankly, someone who values their anonymity should not ever be posting. (Yes, HathyH, it is all about you)