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The Secret's out about Pahala's biofuel plant
Air powered cars (something discussed awhile back) are already a reality, but mass production has been held back several times. MDI and Tata Motors using the MDI engine, still can't get the range necessary to make it anything but a neighborhood type (golf cart) vehicle. The prototypes are basically the size of a Smart Car. The current 80 cubic foot, 3,000 psi tank made out of composites are basically a large scuba tank and it can only provide enough air to last 30 miles. Anything less than 3,000 psi and the engine wasn't able to negotiate anything but a nice flat paved road, unless you had a tank the size of a mini van.

With Tata involved, it's likely some advances will occur but because the basic energy needed to power the vehicle requires higher psi than a simple air compressor, a single individual probably isn’t capable of producing the amount and pressure to have any impact on air storage.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Secret's out about Pahala's biofuel plant - by dmbwest - 02-02-2011, 05:24 PM
RE: The Secret's out about Pahala's biofuel plant - by Bob Orts - 02-11-2011, 06:14 AM
RE: The Secret's out about Pahala's biofuel plant - by dmbwest - 02-14-2011, 07:36 PM

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