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Public Statement on U.S. militarism & occupation
Mark, Once again, predictable. Don't make any assumptions about who I do or don't know. Even if I did know Silverpenny, which I don't, what difference would it make to you? I did not make the initial post but it is my right to agree with it without you accusing me of stirring things up. You do more stirring than I ever could.
It is not up to you to speak for or make assumptions for the Hawaiian people. In other words none of your business. People like you need to do a little historical research and realize that you live in an occupied country. Or perhaps you are comfortable rewriting history. 90% of the Hawaiian people voted against statehood. A reigning monarch of a sovereign nation was locked in her palace while her country was stolen by the "moral' US in the name of business.
Political conservatives are a minority here but happy to vocalize their ignorance.

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RE: Public Statement on U.S. militarism & occupation - by dugger - 02-11-2011, 02:38 PM

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