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Public Statement on U.S. militarism & occupation
Originally posted by Orchidlandguy

Originally posted by PaulW

If deaths from Three Mile Island are so "well-documented" then let's see a link. That reality is that there was not a single death. This is because there was hardly any radiation. Here's a quote from wikipedia on the subject:

wikipedia can be edited by anyone. Just saying something is from wikipedia doesn't make it true.
don't use wikipedia to substantiate facts, it will disappoint.

Substantiated by the Nuclear Regulatory Comittee

Direct from the .gov

Now if you really want what helps the Hawaiian peoples, seriously consider what wi happen, should the US leave.

No more money coming in from the Feds, and a lack of industry to support the population. Not to mention utilities, etc. How long do you think people will live on ideals before they turn on each other to survive.

A long time ago, Hawaii would have survived. Now a days, considering people (all over the world) are out of touch with their roots, nearly anywhere is doomed to fail, or at least become a 3rd world overnight. Take Oahu, for example. Do you think that the population could feed itself before rioting starts?

Again, what happened was a travesty, BUT this is a vastly different world now.

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RE: Public Statement on U.S. militarism & occupation - by Alaskana - 02-12-2011, 12:31 PM

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