02-12-2011, 06:50 PM
kalama boy:"What is a Hawaiian anyway?"
IMHO, I think Hawaiian is more a philosophy, rather than skin color or race. It means living simply, humbly with the laws of the land rather than the laws of man. It means taking care of the aina because of the deep rooted understanding that this is what shelters and feeds and nourishes us, physically as well as mentally and emotionally. It's a knowing that destruction of our natural resources will lead to our demise. It's a connectedness to the core, to the source. It's the 'Aloha' that extends to all, the welcoming that goes beyond the islands. If you observe closely, you can definitely tell who the Hawaiians are, and it has NOTHING to do with skin color.
IMHO, I think Hawaiian is more a philosophy, rather than skin color or race. It means living simply, humbly with the laws of the land rather than the laws of man. It means taking care of the aina because of the deep rooted understanding that this is what shelters and feeds and nourishes us, physically as well as mentally and emotionally. It's a knowing that destruction of our natural resources will lead to our demise. It's a connectedness to the core, to the source. It's the 'Aloha' that extends to all, the welcoming that goes beyond the islands. If you observe closely, you can definitely tell who the Hawaiians are, and it has NOTHING to do with skin color.