02-12-2011, 07:01 PM
quote:It is my opinion, that Mr. Albertini cannot see the forest, for the trees. Others have posted against your beliefs, but you seem to only attack me.
Originally posted by silverpenny10
mdd7000:"The original post on this thread, is very confrontational."
The original post was quoted directly from Malu `Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action, yet you went on to attack me because you don’t like the message. You attack Dugger because he/she agrees with the message. You make false assumptions and accusations that you cannot substantiate. You have nothing to stand on, yet you continue to create pilikia. I happen to think Jim Albertini sacrifices much to fight for what’s just/right and stand with him. He’s got enough cahones to stand up for others, even at a detriment to himself. You could learn a thing or two from Mr. Albertini.
I simply used an analogy to show why your post (someones else's letter) is maybe without merit. You didn't like my reply and attacked me.
I feel sorry for you that you don't cannot understand why others may have an opinion against your own.