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Military buldup and invasive species
Bullwinkle, I think the guidelines are fairly simple and have to do with danger to the way of life here. An invasive species is one that poses great danger to native species. Over 50% of the world's endangered species are native to Hawaii. I for one greatly enjoy walking barefoot in the forest without fear of poisonous snakes. I love that I don't to fear rabies for my pets. Snakes can also decimate our native bird populations as can mosquitoes. It's kind of like the aliens in War of the Worlds being brought down by the common cold.
You may say no species are native but that would be false. Actual native species are very small in number, but are those that found their way here many centuries ago and made it home. Some mutated to new species upon arrival and some mutated along the way but they have become unique to Hawaii. Did you know that Ohia also grow in Australia, but that our Ohia are capable of turning off "breathing" during times of high SO2 concentrations in the air during high volcanic activity? Apapane, elepaio and other birds exist no other place on earth. The Hawaiian goose is also unique due to adaptation or evolution to our environment. Yes, a bunny or cats are invasive but they have shown to pose little threat to native populations. We have made many mistakes in the past but I would hope we can learn from those and thus protect what remains.

Messages In This Thread
Military buldup and invasive species - by dugger - 02-12-2011, 11:19 PM
RE: Military buldup and invasive species - by dugger - 02-13-2011, 02:05 AM

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