02-13-2011, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by punagirl
I'm glad to see many opinions being posted here. I for one disagree with left-handedness.
robguz! You horrible despicable person. I am left-handed. I can't believe you can't find it in yourself to not be more open minded about the hand that is dominant hand. It isn't my choice, I was born this way.
As a young girl (early 70s) they tried to beat this sickness out of me in school. My ancient 1st grade teacher would yank my fat early writing pencil out of my hand and turn my tablet straight and try to make me write with my right hand. No matter what I couldn't do it because it is just part of who I am to be left-handed. The teacher tried and tried and I would give my best shot to use my right hand but I just couldn't do it. It was so much more comfortable with my left. My parents had to go to the school to fight for the right to let me be me.
Even today, with as much progress as we have made, I still have a hard time finding spiral notebooks, scissors and the like that are suited for the left hand. I still feel like I have to hide who I am at times.
Honestly punagirl this sounds like you are just trying to justify your choice. Maybe you don't remember it, but the only way southpaws can increase their numbers is by recruiting and now they keep asking for special rights! What is to stop two left-handed people from coming to Hawaii and getting married to each other? They would inevitably make their children lefties and then what, right handedness would go away! And that would be horrible because, um, well I'm not exactly sure why, But another thing is the Bible makes it clear that the right side is preferred. Jesus is seated at the RIGHT side of the father, not the left. And since there is no separation of church in state in the country, the Bible is the only thing anyone can turn to in making laws and should be followed strictly, even where it completely contradicts itself. There are many people who have indeed been cured of their choice of left handedness, you really just need to choose to be saved. Something like 90% of people since the world was created 6000 years ago have been right handed, so don't try to use "science" or some "theory" to try to justify your choice of left-handedness. If we keep passing special rights for lefties, I mean what is next? Then we have to let people marry a jar of pickles if they want to, or why not 3 jars of pickles and a ball of yarn? Where does it end?!?!?!