02-14-2011, 07:47 AM
quote:And, that is the essence of the Bill.
Originally posted by konadave
I'll support this bill if it is the only way to allow equal treatment under the law but really I think it would make a bigger impact if the bill just re-words whatever law prohibits civil unions to homosexuals. Why? Because if this bill just overrides the current law then the current law as it is written is still on the books. It doesn't go away. Maybe it sounds like semantics to some but to me but I am a firm believer in all laws being applied equally to all. JMHO
A marriage license is just a license issued by the state based on when executed, a legally binding contract exist. Can you imagine the uproar if a residential lease required only two adults of opposite sex? How about if two people wanted a business license and it required that they be of opposite sex. Why not require those obtaining a drivers license to be forced to only transport people of the opposite sex.
Nowhere in Hawaii law is there a requirement that married people have sex, agree to have sex, or have rights above any other couple when it comes to sex.
Nowhere in Hawaii law is their a requirement that married couples have children, agree to have children, or have rights above what any other couple has when it comes to children.
No where in Hawaii law is religion a part of marriage.
The state issues a license for marriage and it can be civil, religious, cultural, social, and ethnical. The church and religion has no bearing on marriage. That is why two atheists can legally be marriage even though they have zero religious affiliation, have no plans on having sex, and hates children. Likewise two devout religious people can get married and still not have sex, children or any of the other baggage tied to religious ceremony.
Since the ceremony of marriage can be either civil or religious, that's the couple’s decision and is no indication of an assumed outcome. Two Catholics can get married in a religious ceremony by the Church of Fork Over The Dough Cause The Rev Wants A New BMW, and live the religious ways of Judaism (or renounce all religion) and its still legal.
So why are some people so afraid of allowing a state license for two people of the same sex, that has nothing sexual about it, yet those people always use sex as an excuse? The only thing I can see is they want the enjoyment of those protections for themselves but won’t extend equal protection to others - OR - they are closet homosexuals and are afraid that their pool of available partners will be reduced if marriage commitments are followed. Based on the arguments many have made, I think they are really homo's themselves.