02-15-2011, 09:18 AM
Could the military be partially responsible for the mistrust often encountered within the public sphere?
However, whether you support the military's presence or not, since they are here, I think it would be a good thing if they were polluting less.
I do understand silverpenny10's concerns about using potential food production land for growing industrial fuels, but this is not the case here, as pointed out, this is abandoned and potentially contaminated ex-sugar cane land.
My concerns are however, the use of huge microwaves as heating devices as well as the manner in which the crops/land will be cared for. Will they be adding more poisons to the soil and water? How will they control weeds, etc?
In my opinion, the proposed Ka'u plant is an example of a good idea that could be great, if done right. Citizen input and collaboration will be crucial!
However, whether you support the military's presence or not, since they are here, I think it would be a good thing if they were polluting less.
I do understand silverpenny10's concerns about using potential food production land for growing industrial fuels, but this is not the case here, as pointed out, this is abandoned and potentially contaminated ex-sugar cane land.
My concerns are however, the use of huge microwaves as heating devices as well as the manner in which the crops/land will be cared for. Will they be adding more poisons to the soil and water? How will they control weeds, etc?
In my opinion, the proposed Ka'u plant is an example of a good idea that could be great, if done right. Citizen input and collaboration will be crucial!