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VICTORY in sight for Gay Civil Unions
Originally posted by konadave

It is an interesting thought that heterosexual seniors are NOT getting re-married due to Social Security. But they can go thru the Civil Union process and not lose their survivor benefits. I think this is not right. I believe this is defrauding the government to an extent. The idea behind losing your survivor benefits when you re-marry is so you don't benefit from losing a spouse and then gaining income when you marry another. The same loss of survivor benefits should apply to civil unions equally as it does to marriage. JMHO

Dave, not laughing at you, but the thought that this was even falsely mentioned by someone.

First, the federal government has always and continues to recognize civil unions in the same exact way they recognize a marriage. For federal purposes, they are the same. So there will be absolutely no change in how Social Security or any other federal benefit is administered. Equally all other states and countries recognize civil unions. Nothing in that regard will change.

The DMA limits federal recognition and gives each state the option of recognizing the marriage, civil unions, joining, or whatever else it's called to only a man and woman. So opposite sex couples joined in marriage or civil unions remains as is, but same sex couples still do not have equal rights under federal law and can be denied equal protection by individual states with the blessing of the federal government.

But, opposite sex couples won’t gain any new benefits. The idea that it will provide something beyond what a "married" couple enjoys is outright false!

The questions and concerns you raise are very important because it gives people the opportunity to hear and question what they are hearing. In the process, it enables the propaganda wrapping paper to be removed and the contents finally exposed. That wrapper with warning labels of fear, horror, death and mayhem were only put on to hide the contents. They want you to be afraid, upset, pissed and mad, but inside the box is just a orange.

Messages In This Thread
RE: VICTORY in sight for Gay Civil Unions - by Bob Orts - 02-15-2011, 12:47 PM
RE: VICTORY in sight for Gay Civil Unions - by missydog1 - 02-25-2011, 07:49 PM
RE: VICTORY in sight for Gay Civil Unions - by missydog1 - 02-26-2011, 12:44 PM

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