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conditional use permit proposed for HPP
Does anyone know what happened at the planning commission meeting today on the proposal to allow Diamond Drilling to build a base yard somewhere in mid to lower HPP? I only heard about it at the last minute, couldn't get any details in time to comment, and I am more than a little concerned that there was no notification of affected properties (which is everyone who pays for road fees).

I really dislike the piecemeal development of HPP through conditional use permits when we have these large blocks of land designated for commercial and light industrial that sit unused. I realize it is the owners of those lands who aren't moving forward with development and rezoning to align the zoning with the designation in the subdivision plan, but this lot by lot rezoning through conditional use permits is not a good alternative.


edited to change the name of the thread to clarify the subject and note that the planning commission meeting is NEXT Thursday the 6th, so there is still time to submit comments

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

Messages In This Thread
conditional use permit proposed for HPP - by csgray - 05-31-2013, 01:59 PM

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