03-09-2011, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by grousehawker
Greetings from Alaska.
My wife and I plan to visit the Big Island in May and will be visiting mostly with relatives but we will also be searching out possible vacation rental/retirement home while there.
We have a couple more years until we retire but would like to find something now, that we could use a couple months out of the year ourselves and the rest of the time, rent it as a vacation rental.
For the past several months, I have been on many real estate sites looking at different areas from Puna to Kona.
I think I have a handle on all the advantages/disadvatages (Vog or Frogs)to the different areas but I'm wondering if anyone here on PunaTalk might have some suggestions.
Is a vacation rental even a viable option in the Puna area?
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
You want some information? Two terms: Peak Oil and Climate Change
Get ready for $6 a gallon gas here in the next few months because we are already in a precarious state with oil supply and the tension in the Middle East will only make things worse.
And if you are delusional you might think you could grow your own food here, well, have a look at the blights of fungi, bacteria, and pests that have arisen since the onset of climate change.
Buying on the Islands is a bad idea. I thought it through myself, been here for six months. On the superficial level it seems reasonable, but once I understood the house of cards the society is built on here I have decided I would not purchase land here.