03-17-2011, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by Carey
but it s up to YOU to make sure that you have proper notification.
The title of this post is "Ignoring evacuation orders" and the quote above hi-lights the power of the individual.
My thoughts are mixed on this point!
We have the power to ignore sound advice and to choose our own way but it has consequences beyond our self as has been mentioned in previous postings.
While it is ultimately an individual decision to do anything - right, wrong, or indifferent. Where does the responsibility of the individual end and "societies" (government) starts?
Living here does make me responsible to educate myself and to be pro-active on ALL the dangers that threaten my safety - but what about our MAIN source of revenue (other than property taxes) our VISITORS.
Who is responsible for their safety (natural disasters) in a "vacation" environment?
Do we NOW have to give out brochures to everyone getting off a cruise ship or plane showing them the tsunami evacuation routes and how to set-up their smart-phones to be notified locally? http://www.co.hawaii.hi.us/cd/CommBrochure.pdf
That's - just in case they don't/can't hear the tsunami sirens or don't have any idea what the sirens mean?
Their name just might be "Dorothy" and they just might be from "Kansas" and live on a farm 100 miles from the nearest "tornado siren" and never heard one?