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help needed with Ohia tree fertilizer
I started transplanting in total ignorance of the sensitive nature of the ohias... all of the trees I have transplanted are only 4 to 6 inches. Typically, they are clinging to the side of a rock when I spot them. I grab them at their base, rip them off the rock, and put them in 4" pots of topsoil, then leave them in a sunny place till the next time I am on the property (usually 3-4 months). I have not proceeded beyond that point yet, but so far have 100% survival on 10 plants. I also planted some yellow ohia seeds, and so far have about 15 plants, 1/2" tall.

I will update you when I get to the next step!

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RE: help needed with Ohia tree fertilizer - by topograph - 03-21-2011, 03:29 AM

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