04-13-2011, 08:32 AM
If the lot is close to the ocean you will need to apply to the county Planning Dept. for an SMA (Shoreline Management Area) permit. There is a whole list of activities that can be and can't be done. There are different kinds of conservation zone categories, and what is permitted or not depends on which kind your land is in. Also State DLNR will have to process a CDUA (conservation district use application), so you will have to wade through those regs as well.
In my mind, it's hardly worth it. You can live a little farther away, still get an ocean view and be only a short drive away, be able to plant a garden that is not salt-tolerant, not have as much rust or mildew or be evacuated if there is a tsunami. And sea level rise due to global warming will not put your house under water.
In my mind, it's hardly worth it. You can live a little farther away, still get an ocean view and be only a short drive away, be able to plant a garden that is not salt-tolerant, not have as much rust or mildew or be evacuated if there is a tsunami. And sea level rise due to global warming will not put your house under water.