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Senator Kahele Launches New Website...
Thank you for responding Senator Kahele.

Not saying there's much you can do about it, but I would argue that the traditional DOE schools have insufficient oversight. How many are being audited by a 3rd party outside firm? (Read somewhere a year or two ago that they found a DOE school in Oahu that couldn't account for millions of dollars, computers were missing, etc. And that, I assume, was done with the stellar oversight of our bureaucrats.)

I can tell you that HAAS has a legitimate auditing system in place and is run like a business with complete transparency (I sat on the board for a couple years). How many traditional DOE schools do you think would pass an audit even with their so-called "oversight" by the administration? It's amazing that an administration in charge of a FAILED school system has the gall to criticize charter schools. But it also makes perfect sense that they'd try to crush them, because their success is making the old boys look incompetent.

Indeed you've got a tough job ahead and in many ways your hands are tied. Allowing oversight by the powers that be would turn our wonderful charter schools into more "failed" DOE schools. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius

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RE: Senator Kahele Launches New Website... - by punafish - 05-10-2011, 02:44 AM

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