05-31-2011, 02:08 PM
Once again, I agree that the website could do a better job of letting folks know what's going on, especially in the area of the remedial paving work. I was really surprised to see how perfunctorily the meeting minutes summarized all the road stuff that Scott has been doing. He makes a detailed report each month that includes that and a number of other topics. I will suggest that this report be put on the website. The former GM did this on occasion, but it wasn't as businesslike as Scott's reports.
@Spunky: Thanks for the nice remarks. The Conch newsletter has gone electronic via the website, but is still done only three or four times a year with no blog. A new one is due in June. (I write two columns in the Conch, so you'd think I would know exactly how often it comes out, but I don't. LOL.) I wish we could afford sidewalks, too, but I have no idea where the money would come from. I recall that the current GM quoted us a cost per mile at one point, but I can't remember what it was, other than thinking, "Wow, that's a lot." Thanks to the road paving bond, we are pretty tapped out financially, and people are already complaining about the level and rate of increase of the road assessments. Maybe someday.
@Royal: You should have heard some of the run-around and absolute B.S. we have been given about bus service from the County Transit guys. Billy Kenoi promised us bus service back when Cousin Emily was up for re-election, and we still have nothing.
@DTisme: As far as posting on blogs and websites such as this one being participation, I only partially agree. It does raise visibility and awareness, so that is good. On the other hand, there is nothing like being there to see what is happening and throw in your two cents worth. Furthermore, there are three General Membership Meetings per year. If anyone can only manage limited attendance this is when to go. The reason? At General Membership Meetings, the owners can make and pass binding motions (as long as they don't violate the by-laws.) At the last two meetings of this type, the members have come within a very few votes of limiting the road fee increases.
@Carol: It is entirely appropriate to question the oversight of the paving done in the past, but all HPP can do now is try to fix it at the contractors expense. I won't argue with you about the sealant, being a guy whose knowledge of such is very limited. Maybe Scott or someone more knowledgeable will post some information on why this is the best remedy. It may only be part of the story.
@Spunky: Thanks for the nice remarks. The Conch newsletter has gone electronic via the website, but is still done only three or four times a year with no blog. A new one is due in June. (I write two columns in the Conch, so you'd think I would know exactly how often it comes out, but I don't. LOL.) I wish we could afford sidewalks, too, but I have no idea where the money would come from. I recall that the current GM quoted us a cost per mile at one point, but I can't remember what it was, other than thinking, "Wow, that's a lot." Thanks to the road paving bond, we are pretty tapped out financially, and people are already complaining about the level and rate of increase of the road assessments. Maybe someday.
@Royal: You should have heard some of the run-around and absolute B.S. we have been given about bus service from the County Transit guys. Billy Kenoi promised us bus service back when Cousin Emily was up for re-election, and we still have nothing.
@DTisme: As far as posting on blogs and websites such as this one being participation, I only partially agree. It does raise visibility and awareness, so that is good. On the other hand, there is nothing like being there to see what is happening and throw in your two cents worth. Furthermore, there are three General Membership Meetings per year. If anyone can only manage limited attendance this is when to go. The reason? At General Membership Meetings, the owners can make and pass binding motions (as long as they don't violate the by-laws.) At the last two meetings of this type, the members have come within a very few votes of limiting the road fee increases.
@Carol: It is entirely appropriate to question the oversight of the paving done in the past, but all HPP can do now is try to fix it at the contractors expense. I won't argue with you about the sealant, being a guy whose knowledge of such is very limited. Maybe Scott or someone more knowledgeable will post some information on why this is the best remedy. It may only be part of the story.