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Question about Unemployment Benefits

Here is a link:

(page 6 of the pdf)

"Successive benefit year. If you are applying for a
new claim and had a prior claim that expired, then in
addition to the minimum wage requirements for
establishing a valid claim, you must have also
worked in covered employment after the beginning
date of your prior benefit year and been paid wages
of at least five times the weekly benefit amount of
your new claim. For example, if you file a new claim
effective January 1, 2006 with a weekly benefit
amount of $100 and had a prior claim that ended
December 31, 2005 then you must have worked and
been paid wages of at least $500 since January 1,
2005 to qualify for a new valid claim in addition to
having been paid at least $2,600 total wages (26
times your WBA) and wages in at least 2 quarters of
the base period."

Hope this helps!

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RE: Question about Unemployment Benefits - by Kapohocat - 06-14-2011, 07:20 AM

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