06-19-2011, 08:43 AM
There is a product you can pour onto the stump to increase rotting, or just drill a bunch of smaller holes all around the stump & one larger "planter hole" for the plant you want to put in.... probably by the time the stump is gone, the plant will be getting root in the decayed mass
Back in the midwest, one of our favorite was to eliminate a stump was to place some coals on a dry stump & let it burn down to underground... 2 problems with that here are the dry stump & watching to make sure that there is no wind potential to create a wildfire, if the stump is ever dry enough....
Back in the midwest, one of our favorite was to eliminate a stump was to place some coals on a dry stump & let it burn down to underground... 2 problems with that here are the dry stump & watching to make sure that there is no wind potential to create a wildfire, if the stump is ever dry enough....