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Nuclear Radiation Workshop: Demystifying
You know, there's one thing that puzzles me about this, and I'm going back to the original post by Silverpenny10.

The Big Island, and especially Hilo, has a relatively high abundance of physicists, astrophysicists and astronomers, many of whom have taken advanced courses in nuclear physics. In other words they know a little more about radiation than the regular person on the street.

Now, perhaps you're wondering why these people, after learning about the tragedy in Japan, haven't evacuated the Big Island? Well, that's not what I'm going to ask. What I will ask is why, given these people give talks to the public at 'Imiloa and there's a massive collection of scientists within a few hundred yards of that place and most with a knowledge of nuclear physics, is the talk not being given there?

Instead it's at the Keaau community center somewhere behind the police station.

Just curious.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Nuclear Radiation Workshop: Demystifying - by dmbwest - 08-01-2011, 01:08 PM
RE: Nuclear Radiation Workshop: Demystifying - by TomK - 08-04-2011, 07:23 PM

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