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jury duty - on other side of the island!
My neighbor here in Orchidland was called to serve on Oahu! Not only the ridiculous distance is involved (aren't there more people living there anyway?) but he was expected to lay out the plane fare in advance and then be reimbursed in "4-6 weeks" ! He's a self employed gardener and responsible for feeding his family...his wife wrote a letter and he was excused.
I found all this out as I just received my first summons...which had a return mailing address in Honolulu. I agree, why can't the state of Hawaii figure out who to call by zip code.? I am happy to serve but I am not willing to fly to another island daily. I also heard of another woman here in Kea'au who was called to serve in Kona...absolutely ridiculous!


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RE: jury duty - on other side of the island! - by wyline - 08-15-2011, 03:49 PM

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