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Young Vandals in Hawaiian Beaches Sunday 11/24/13
A group of four young boys on bikes were bothering our dogs on Palani Street (Hawaiian Beaches) through the fence around 5PM today. My husband went out to talk to them and found that they had also destroyed the mailbox, thrown our neighbor's chairs into our yard (breaking the chairs), and done some other minor damage.

My husband knows one of the kids so went to his house to talk with his grandmother. The boy admitted what he'd done but I'm concerned that they may also be vandalizing neighbors' property. I thought I saw them bothering chickens and ducks on several occasions before this but they hid it well and I couldn't prove it. Also I wanted to believe that they were harmless since they are usually friendly and the ringleader has actually been one of our favorite young neighbors up to now. No bad blood, no negative incidents before this at all.

These kids ride their bikes together all over the neighborhood so thought I'd let people in HB know to keep an eye out. I'd hate to think the kids were trying to hurt the dogs with the chairs they threw over the fence, but I can't think of any other reason why they would do such a thing.

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Young Vandals in Hawaiian Beaches Sunday 11/24/13 - by pahoachick - 11-24-2013, 02:16 PM

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